At a time when we have been celebrating the birth of the King James Authorised Version of the Bible I was delighted, and excited, to see that the original English translation of our Holy scriptures continues to influence and direct our lives in the 21st Century.
One way in which this has been done is by the plethora of versions that are available today, from the very precise study Bible weighing in at 15lbs, to the rather comical Black Country Bible weighing in at a mere 2.5lbs. One translation that has particularly caught my eye is a version called the, ‘Action Bible’. This version is written for the young, and indeed young at heart, with language and illustrations in the style of the old DC comics: exciting, eye-catching, straight to the point and occasionally daring and a little racy.
The thought of an Action Bible made me wonder if its readers would be action people. Could they be people who would, ‘use words only if they had to’, and would they love or be ‘resounding gongs’?
It strikes me that Kingdom people should be action people. People who not only talk the talk and walk the walk, but those who could put words into action by walking the talk.
‘Actions speak louder than words,’ I was always told as a child, and now, teaching my children the very same ethic, I find myself reminding myself of a crucial part of the Christian life.
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