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“Don’t quote the Curate”… (AKA Rev’d Nick Daw)

At a time when we have been celebrating the birth of the King James Authorised Version of the Bible I was delighted, and excited, to see that the original English translation of our Holy scriptures continues to influence and direct our lives in the 21st Century.

One way in which this has been done is by the plethora of versions that are available today, from the very precise study Bible weighing in at 15lbs, to the rather comical Black Country Bible weighing in at a mere 2.5lbs.  One translation that has particularly caught my eye is a version called the, ‘Action Bible’.  This version is written for the young, and indeed young at heart, with language and illustrations in the style of the old DC comics:  exciting, eye-catching, straight to the point and occasionally daring and a little racy.

The thought of an Action Bible made me wonder if its readers would be action people.  Could they be people who would, ‘use words only if they had to’, and would they love or be ‘resounding gongs’?

It strikes me that Kingdom people should be action people.  People who not only talk the talk and walk the walk, but those who could put words into action by walking the talk.

‘Actions speak louder than words,’ I was always told as a child, and now, teaching  my children the very same ethic, I find myself reminding myself of a crucial part of the Christian life.

with every blessing  Nick hosting information lookup . Domain seo .

April’s letter from the vicar

The Vicarage, 11 Jasmine Close

I am writing this letter on 21st March on the day when my grandfather would have been 101. In his honour I am going to continue the family tradition of believing that it is the first day of Spring, although I now understand that this is dependent on the vernal equinox, not on my grandfather at all, and that this year I am a day late. Either way, the sun is now feeling warmer and our garden at St Mark’s and churchyard at Whittington are looking more colourful. By the time you read this we shall be enjoying lighter evenings as well. Spring is definitely a season of hope and joy.

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“Don’t quote the Curate”… (AKA Rev’d Nick Daw)

What with changes going on all around us such as, Whittington’s future extension and St. Mark’s disability access plans, not to mention proposed housing developments and the slow, but steady, arrival of Spring and the Easter season, now would be a good time to start reaching out to our communities.   I don’t just mean our immediate neighbours, though I would never try to expand on the perfect definition of neighbour that Jesus gave us in the parable of The Good Samarian. 

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February’s letter from the vicar

It is somewhat strange to be writing about Christmas for you to read in February! However a joint December/January magazine means that I haven’t had a chance to write to you since the end of November. So a happy New Year and thank you to everyone who worked hard to make our churches look clean and beautiful, to our organists and those who facilitated worship in any way, and to those who worked especially hard on Christmas crafts and other fundraising activities.

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December’s letter from the vicar

The Vicarage, 11 Jasmine Close

November has been a month of remembering – all the saints and all of our loved ones who have gone before us at the beginning of the month, and those who gave their lives for our freedom on Remembrance Sunday. This year was especially poignant being the 100th anniversary of the start of the First World War and the 75th anniversary of the start of the Second World War. At Whittington we continued our commemorations with a community lunch, excellently prepared by Brenda Giles and her expert team. It was a good way to join together in a fellowship that might not have been possible had it not been for those who fought for us.

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April’s letter from the vicar

The Vicarage, 11 Jasmine Close

It is fantastic to look back at March and consider the rapid change in weather. Last month I was reflecting on the flooding and this month, although we have had a frost, we are generally enjoying a warm and sunny spring. Ne’er cast a clout till May be out someone quoted to me at church last week, but I think that this year we are all reaching for the summer clothes quite early on. Whilst we must be grateful for all of God’s blessings, the sunshine certainly brings out a true sense of the wonder of God and His creation.

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